We need individuals and businesses from Eastbourne and the surrounding areas to help build our caring and supportive community - to forge a fair and equitable society that can continue to operate without restriction or discrimination. Join our cooperative and enjoy the benefits. We would love to offer free membership,  but as a registered business - we have administrative fees, website hosting fees, venue fees, resource fees, etc... that must be funded in order to run. We are run by hard-working volunteers and any profit the co-operative makes will go directly back to building more resources for our members.

Do make sure your read the ABOUT US section, which explains so much about what ECCo-op is doing.


Our Community Groups

Our groups are led by members of our community who have a passion for change. Anyone can join these groups - you don't need to be an expert, just willing to learn and/or share your existing knowledge to help us grow. Action groups are divided into 7 main groups, with lots of sub-groups within each as we grow.

Our Groups are a directory of and pathway to; services and information that may be applicable and open to our members. It is the responsibility of our members to ensure that any information or business they use is suitable for their use.

We need ECoop registered members to join these groups, or you may want to create a new one - we are here to help you get this underway - email us at ecco-op@protonmail.com

Health & Wellbeing

One of the most important aspects of our cooperative is a member-wide belief in a right to Bodily Autonomy and choice when it comes to keeping ourselves well and choosing our route to healing when we are sick - particularly at this present time, but also into the future.

Our group consists of experienced, qualified, insured Health and Wellbeing practitioners from many different fields of physical, mental and spiritual health, helping to support everyone at all stages of life. Our Health and Wellbeing team are also looking forward to welcoming and working with Allopathic practitioners too.

Mental Health and The Positivity Drive

One of the main functions of our community is to support the mental and physical well-being of our members and the wider community through our Health and Wellbeing practitioners and through community-building initiatives with our Positivity Drive. 

We are serious about mental health and all of our directors have undertaken mental health training in order to help us better understand how to help the many people who find themselves struggling. 

We plan to organise a range of activities and social opportunities for community members to participate in that will boost self-esteem and encourage togetherness.

Local Businesses

Item link

Home Education

Many of our members are home educating families and we already have a bustling community with lots of activities and support for parents and children of all ages.

Our aim is to raise our children within a caring community, where skills and knowledge are shared and a diverse range of topics - not limited to the national curriculum, can be affordably accessed by all.

Know Your Rights

The fundamental basis of our life experiences are our rights and freedoms but strangely no one is taught these things at school and so we generally do not notice as our rights and freedoms are covertly removed from us and the mass media brainwashes us into believing that we never had the in the first place.

Now is the time for us to remember those rights and reclaim them.


We strongly believe that locally grown and reared produce is best for us and our environment. 

We are also concerned by new policies which may cause food restrictions and/or changes to the quality and safety of fresh produce in the future, so our aim is to source land to grow our own and to bring local producers into our cooperative to work with us.

We would also, eventually wish to extend our self-sufficiency to non-food products and utilities in the long-term.


A massive part of every community is arts, music and fun. Whether it be live bands, dancing festivals, art shows or theatre. All of these things contribute to our mental health and over-all wellbeing.

Organic live performances are encouraged and fully supported in our everyday lives and we are very fortunate as there are many talented people in our local area and wider community. 

It is key for family and friends to come together regularly to enjoy these creative arts as that is what we have always done to fulfil and uplift our spirits.

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