We need individuals and businesses from Eastbourne and the surrounding areas to help build our caring and supportive community - to forge a fair and equitable society that can continue to operate without restriction or discrimination. Join our cooperative and enjoy the benefits. We would love to offer free membership, but as a registered business - we have administrative fees, website hosting fees, venue fees, resource fees, etc... that must be funded in order to run. We are run by hard-working volunteers and any profit the co-operative makes will go directly back to building more resources for our members.
Do make sure your read the ABOUT US section, which explains so much about what ECCo-op is doing.
It is important to note that the directors, founding members, action group leaders and the many other wonderful people involved in setting up and running the Eastbourne Community Co-operative are and will remain, unpaid volunteers.
ECCO-OP is a registered Limited company, owned EQUALLY by every member who joins. It has 7 Committee members, of which 4 are Directors, and a Company Secretary – these people are also members, have paid membership fees and given hundreds of hours of their time for free to get this going.
We set this up to help everyone who wants to live a life free from the subjugation of forced health interventions. If you understand what this means, then you are among the right people.
Lots of things – this is an initiative that will join individuals and businesses together in an organised way so that we can find each other, do good things to improve our community, find exemption positive services and push back. It is essentially, an old-fashioned community of people helping people through what might be a very divisive time.
Of course, people can meet together and do stuff to help the community – but does this actually happen? People have been isolated, cut off, thinking they are the only ones who ‘think this way’. Services and support for all aspects of life have just been deleted – but there are lots of alternatives if you know where to look – and that’s where we come in… The Eastbourne Community Cooperative are a legal entity – which gives us power (all of us) and we are creating the links that will connect us together; you can see these ‘things’ coming together on FB page and on our website - and we are just getting started. We will shortly have a hub – a small premises where you can meet, learn things, socialise and organise.
And we are helping other towns to do the same, so that people like you and us are not alone.
Well, in numbers comes power. We want to bring your business to the attention of all our members so they can support you and you can support each other.
The website costs, the insurance costs, registering as a legal entity costs, equipment costs (for example, we have just purchased lots of litter pickers to organise local clean-ups), and most of all – the hub is going to cost.
We will also be raising money for home education supplies, for helping people in need and for anything that the ECCOOP members see a need for.
I hope that answers some of the main questions, but if you have any more, please do ask us – we are not experts, just hard-working individuals with a love of freedom.
The ECCo-op Committee.
(P.S. We have not and will never take any profit or be paid for our roles in the co-op - everything the co-op makes, goes straight back into making it bigger and better - just in case you wondered.)
At the core of the Eastbourne Community Cooperative is our belief that every human deserves to thrive; with good food, good health, good education and fair and honest governance.
As we presently stand, with our freedoms restricted and impending globalisation bringing yet more limitations to all aspects of life, we are coming together to initiate change; at a local level within our cooperative and at a national level as part of a wider cooperative movement.
Our members have identified the following areas where change must happen.
Good food must be available to everyone, but with increasing GMO, dubious provenance, increasing costs and possible restrictions, our aim is to grow as much of our own as possible and to join with local producers to ensure low-carbon, fully traceable, fair-priced food for all our members. We also want to extend our ‘source local’ ethos and low carbon options to power and other utilities when and where possible.
Good Health; both mental and physical, should be the responsibility of the individual, as should the choice of how to treat (or not treat) our ailments. We want to create a local alternative to the NHS, one that focusses on keeping the individual healthy and offering them a choice of services, including alternative and complementary treatments as required. Then, taking a wider view of our nation’s health services, we want to make it illegal for any pharmaceutical company or representative of such to be in a position of influence on any public health board. But, most importantly, we want to preserve the right of every individual to bodily autonomy.
And of course, good health must also include the mind and the spirit and for that we need a fully functioning society, with freedom to gather; live music, live worship and all the wonderful activities that keep our mental health in order.
Good Education should be appropriate to the age and ability of the child and should equip them with the skills needed to understand our precious world and to thrive within it. The current educational system, which has been parcelled off to private, for-profit companies, is – like the NHS, no longer fit for purpose. Creativity, music, sport and free-thinking and truth are being stripped away and a growing politicisation of children under the guise of inclusive diversity is being covertly implemented. That, and the addition of the COVID mandates which have neither been risk-assessed nor proven effective or even necessary, mean that not only is the UK Education system failing to educate, but it is now, also damaging our children.
We believe that major reform is needed in formal education, in every area and – until this happens, our coop aims to build a thriving alternative with access to ‘real world skills’ and a supportive, loving and nurturing community.
Fair and honest governance is in rapid decline. Government and financial institutions and the mechanisms they employ no longer work for the benefit of the people. This is one of the most important aspects of the cooperative movement, both at a local level and on a national scale. We believe that progressive changes are necessary to maintain a prosperous and equitable society, including; an abolition of the current banking system, monetary reform, true transparency of taxes and detailed accounts of central and local authority spending to be readily available to the public, decentralised governance with power shifted to smaller, local authorities and a truly unbiased and legally accountable media.
We are also opposed to any implementation of mandatory health interventions, health passports and/or any government implemented obstacles or restrictions to movement, freedom of speech, privacy and access to services. We also want to see proper research into the effects of 5G on humans and wildlife undertaken before its national rollout and to halt the increasing implementation of societal surveillance.
Of course, changes take time, we understand that, but our vision for a healthy, ethical and sustainable future for us and our children CAN be achieved through the small movements that become bigger movements that benefit us all.
Eastbourne Community Cooperative is just one of an expanding network of limited liability multi-stakeholder community co-ops - and whilst our individual aims are specifically local, the wider movement has further aims and ideals that may or may not, be eventually incorporated at a local level.
For more information, please see below:
These are very simple, legitimate tools we can use to empower each other to create the smooth running of our communities in an honest and supportive way, whilst very quickly delivering the power and freedoms back to local, self-governing communities. By registering your community (individuals & businesses) as a Co-operative, you can ensure a genuine, democratic move forward for individuals/businesses to decide on how they live their lives. Each member of the Co-operative gets one vote to go towards achieving this.
All we have ever known is this current system of self-serving, politicians and bureaucrats, backed by the banks and other corporate institutions - dictating every aspect of our lives. This must stop. There are many who believe there can still be some heroic politician out there who, if having collected enough votes, will save us from the tyranny and financial slavery we are currently in. Please think again. History proves that only real people can make real change from grass roots levels. Revolution is realistically about peaceful and lawful changes that will be be instant and long-lived to benefit our children, and future generations.
Limited Liability Multi-Stakeholder Community Co-operatives – Empowering communities.
Community Banks – Members have control of their money rather than banking institutions.
Commercial interaction – Financial benefits through savings on transactions between members.
Justice through law enforcement – Holding leaders and public officials to account in courts. Using Common Law to put forward right and just actions within the present Government and Corporate system , whilst promoting probity in public life.
Community action groups – Real-life groups that embody and represent a sharing, caring, thriving community, to include but not limited to: Home education groups. Children’s workshops. Physical & mental healthcare. Therapy & Well-Being. Local food growth & produce and much, much more.
The aim is to create an umbrella network across the UK of Community Co-operatives, operating under a unified set of principles, codes of conduct and articles of association. Along the South Coast we have already got underway in creating a Co-operative in each constituency. In other areas in the north and the midlands they are embracing this too and in direct communications with us as we progress. If every one of the 650 constituencies across our country adopts this standard of living, there will finally stand in our true power!